Saturday 16 May 2015

   Hi there people. I'm Barney, the cool looking dude on the left,  just about to start my blogging career at the tender age of 10. For those less knowledgeable I am one of Gods finest creations, the Jack Russell terrier. We are, as a breed, a sort of mongrel, but with lines linked to the aristocracy, which doesn't mean been interbreeding!!! We are a proud family with a character that scares the living crap out of burglars, postmen, Jehovah's Witnesses and other such itinerants, vagrants, painted mimes and jugglers. Some say we're unpredictable, but never boring.
I live in SNP land with my adopted family. His nickname is TOF (the old fart ) and her name is Luv I think. I am quite switched on but would tend to drop the occasional bollock if TOF  hadn't had them torn from my body at a very young age. I think the swine ate them for his supper on toast!!! 
         I,m new to this game of blogging, it's all very strange to me, with all this facetwat and twitter and other such modern ways of communicating.Thankfully, Auntie Lauren got me up and running. I can remember when people talked!!! I hope to do a weekly journal on subjects dear to my heart and other peoples. For instance, we Jack Russells are professional mongrels and proud of it, but have you seen what's on the scene these days.My God, the names they have. Jackahuahua, Labradoodle, Sprocker and other such fancy names. Apparently they are very expensive as well. They're mongrels, OK, new age expensive mongrels but still mongrels. You wouldn't get me near a chiwa--chihuw, one of them bloody little Mexican gits. They've got teeth at both ends and are very opinionated. It seems like one pedigree hound got close and personal with another pedigree hound and all of a sudden, the weird looking fruit of that ill-gotten union are valuable!!! I don't think so. I don't see a film called 101 labradoodles on the cards in Hollywood!!!!! Maybe in Holyrood but not Hollywood.Mind you, they would quickly be elevated to celebrity status. It seems to be the thing these days on TV and magazines. It appears that anyone can be a celebrity, don't seem to require a lot of brains. I suppose there are mongrels in all walks of life really. I'm signing off now, need a pee. Thanks for listening or whatever, catch you next weekend with another rant.



  1. Love it Barney ;) looking forward to next weeks blog! x

  2. Hi Barney :)nice to meet you!
